sending to email

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Hi.....Trying to send movie I made by email. The other person also has movie
maker, but cannot open........why? does it have to be converted to another
type of file and what and how?
Tanya said:
Hi.....Trying to send movie I made by email. The other
person also has movie maker, but cannot open........why?
does it have to be converted to another type of file and
what and how?
If the file extension is .mswmm, that's
your project file. You need to save the
project as a movie...

Go to...File / Save Movie File...


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP
How to ask a newsgroup question:
Hi thank you. I did that as I read it somewhere in another post. , but when
I do it it says not enough disc space , and there is alot there. I save it
to view in my computer right?
Hi, im sorry.......what it said was.......verify that the original source
files used in your movie r still available and saving location is available
and not enough disc space. It says I need 29.21 mb space and I have
available 25.48GB, Thanks
Tanya said:
Hi thank you. I did that as I read it somewhere in
another post. , but when I do it it says not enough disc
space , and there is alot there. I save it to view in my
computer right?
I see this type of question quite often
and I'm thinking it's a resource issue.

Maybe you need to do some maintenance.

Maybe you need more RAM or hard drive space.

Maybe increasing the size of your paging
file would help...

(308417) HOW TO: Set Performance Options
in Windows XP

No one knows your computer better than you.
And...if the movie file is that large it's probably
too large for e-mail anyway.

If you are creating the movie with digital images...
maybe PhotoStory would be better for you.

PhotoStory 3 For Windows

John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP
How to ask a newsgroup question:
Tanya said:
Hi, im sorry.......what it said was.......verify that the
original source files used in your movie r still
available and saving location is available and not enough
disc space. It says I need 29.21 mb space and I have
available 25.48GB, Thanks
Maybe this article will offer some ideas:

MM2 Can't Save A Movie


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP
How to ask a newsgroup question:
Tanya said:
Hi, im sorry.......what it said was.......verify that the original source
files used in your movie r still available and saving location is
and not enough disc space. It says I need 29.21 mb space and I have
available 25.48GB, Thanks

This error message sometimescomes up when working with MP3 (Audio) files or
MPEG1 (Video) files.
Check the filetypes and report them to us.

Like John said though 29mb is likely too much to be able to send via E-Mail
anyway since most servers have a maximum filesize for emails that is much
lower than that. So I recommend either using the "Video for Pocket PC"
option (which will be a much smaller filesize but a far lower quality video)
or just clicking the "Send in e-mail" option which will ender the lower
quality movie and automatically attach it to your email for sending.