If I have write a program for sending SMS, how can i test it, Can I test with Emulator ????
I've read the artical publish at Microsoft site -- "Sending SMSs from your Microsoft
..NET Compact Framework-based Applications" I've download the program (written with C#) and test it with emulator, but it display a error message --- An unhandled exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occured in SMS_CS.exe
What I need to do ??? Can anyone please help answer my questions
Thanksssssssss !!
I've read the artical publish at Microsoft site -- "Sending SMSs from your Microsoft
..NET Compact Framework-based Applications" I've download the program (written with C#) and test it with emulator, but it display a error message --- An unhandled exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occured in SMS_CS.exe
What I need to do ??? Can anyone please help answer my questions
Thanksssssssss !!