I have tried to send a number of photos by attaching them to an email. These
photos are in jpg format and are not large averaging about 600Kb.
When the recipient attempts to open an attached file the photo does not open
but instead gets tens of pages of unintelligible text.
The same applies whether I attach one photo or a number of photos.
I am aware that one can configure Outlook Express to break up large messages
and I have also tried this to no avail -photos don't show but hundreds of
pagesof the unintelligible text appear.
I don't have a clue as what is happening. What used to be a simple thing of
attaching a photo to an email is now , to me anyway, a catastrophe beyond my
I would appreciate some help
photos are in jpg format and are not large averaging about 600Kb.
When the recipient attempts to open an attached file the photo does not open
but instead gets tens of pages of unintelligible text.
The same applies whether I attach one photo or a number of photos.
I am aware that one can configure Outlook Express to break up large messages
and I have also tried this to no avail -photos don't show but hundreds of
pagesof the unintelligible text appear.
I don't have a clue as what is happening. What used to be a simple thing of
attaching a photo to an email is now , to me anyway, a catastrophe beyond my
I would appreciate some help