Sending Messages



I use : Windows Mail, VISTA and Road Runner

I have had my account for almost 2 years with no problems. Starting last
week my emails appeared to be sending, they'd show up in my sent folder but
people never received them. Occassionally, emails are going through, for
example, I send to 5 people and only one recieves them. Any ideas??

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you using? Some of them are not compatible with Windows Mail.


norton's symantex, I have had that for 2 years also. This problem started
abruptly. Tonight I tried turining off Norton's email scanning of outgoing
mail. It did not seem to make a difference.

Thank you for your time.


norton's...but I have been using it all along, this problem started abruptly
last week. I tried turning off the outgoing email scan, that has not seemed
to have made a difference.


I have norton's, have been using it since I got my computer. I shut off
outgoing email scans tonight, but it does not seem to have made a difference.


For many versions of the Norton antivirus program, just turning off part
or all of the program seldom helps. Also, the problems they cause are
often rather slow to show up. You often have to uninstall them instead,
then run this cleanup program to take care of what the uninstall leaves


You may even need to remove your email account under Windows
Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

If this solves your problem, you may want a replacement antivirus
program that doesn't cause such problems in Windows Mail.
Most versions of the McAfee antivirus program and a recent
version of the Trend antivirus program are bad choices; they
also cause problems in Windows Mail. I recommend either
avast! or AVG, either one with a custom install where you tell it
to leave out the part that scans email.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

jlb9997 said:
norton's...but I have been using it all along, this problem started
last week. I tried turning off the outgoing email scan, that has not
to have made a difference.

Norton must have finally done an auto-update that got you. You've been very
lucky. Uninstalling Norton will also speed up the machine.

Uninstall Norton and run this utility:

Avast ( is free for home users.

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