Thanks for your very speedy response Sue. On sending mail with .exe attachments the mail sent shows the following error message:
<Outlook blocked access to the potentially unsafe attachments
You advise that Outlook does not prevent you from sending .exe files. The above error message makes me think there is something in the settings which is doing just that. Or does this mean that the files were actually sent although the mail sent shows the error message and no .exe files being attached?
----- Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
Outlook does not prevent you from sending .exe files. The problem is tha
they will probably be blocked by the recipient's mail program for securit
reasons. You cannot, of course, control the recipient's settings. You can
however, package your .exe in a .zip file (which may also be blocked in som
places) or rename it to .ex_ or something like that and include instruction
on how to save, rename and run it
Sue Mosher, Outlook MV
Author o
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart fo
Administrators, Power Users, and Developer
susiet said:
Outlook appears to detach .exe files as a default when these are sent a
file attachments. I need to send a viewer.exe file to recipients to enabl
them to read specific files. The program is Oyez used for legal document