Sending Emails



I have a ordering system that will send an email to the customer
showing details of thiere order, this all works fine apart from when i
do not have a email address for the customer

What would be the code to make it only send the email if
me.EmailAddress has a email address in it



Douglas J. Steele

Presumably the e-mail address is Null when you don't have one. Check whether
it is, and only send the e-mail when it isn't.

Sorry, but that's as specific an answer as I can give, given how little
information you've given.


Presumably the e-mail address is Null when you don't have one. Check whether
it is, and only send the e-mail when it isn't.

Sorry, but that's as specific an answer as I can give, given how little
information you've given.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVPhttp://I.Am/DougSteele
(no private e-mails, please)

- Show quoted text -

Thank, the address field will be emply ( null)


Arvin Meyer MVP

Simon said:
I have a ordering system that will send an email to the customer
showing details of thiere order, this all works fine apart from when i
do not have a email address for the customer

What would be the code to make it only send the email if
me.EmailAddress has a email address in it

If Len(Me.EmailAddress & vbNullString) > 0 Then
' run your email code
End If

Armen Stein

If Len(Me.EmailAddress & vbNullString) > 0 Then
' run your email code
End If


If Me.EmailAddress & "" <> "" Then
' run your email code
End If

I find this shorter and easier to read, which is good because I'm not
as smart as Arvin. :) It handles both Null and Zero Length String,
just as Arvin's code does. Take your pick.

Armen Stein
Microsoft Access MVP

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