Sending email problem - Urgent pls

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I'm using the bellow code to send emails in a Website that I uploaded in one
of my client's server where it has SMTP installed, BUT some users are
receiving email some others aren't !!?So, what could be the problem? knowing
that all users are using the same code and hitting the same server.

MailMessage objMailMsg = new MailMessage(strFrom,
strTo);objMailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
objMailMsg.Subject = strSubject;

objMailMsg.Body = strMsg;

if (Session["PDF_Path"] != null)

AttachmentPath = Session["PDF_Path"].ToString();

Attachment at = new Attachment(Server.MapPath(AttachmentPath));


objMailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High;
objMailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;

SmtpClient objSMTPClient = new SmtpClient(); objSMTPClient.DeliveryMethod =
1. ) Are any exceptions being generated when the message is being sent.

2.) Is it allways the same users who do not receive the attachment.

3.) Is the email content the same for all users.

4.) If 2.) is true, then what is different about their email addresses and
are those users able to receive SMTP messages from other sources. ?

Are only the emails with attachments blocked? I had a problem once where
e-mail filtering software (on the client's network) actively blocked (e-mails
with) pdf attachments.
The filtering rules had to be changed to allow them.

Hans Kesting
Do you have multiple email addresses in strTo seperated by semi-colons?
I had a similar issue too. I think it has to do with the new
System.Net.Mail namespace in .NET 2.0 instead of the System.Web.Mail in
1.1 Try this way

MailMessage objMailMsg = new MailMessage();
objMailMsg.From = new MailAddress(strFrom);

//put this in a loop and add all the recipients one by one to the collection
objMailMsg.Subject = subject;
objMailMsg.Body = body;

