Sending E-mail

  • Thread starter Thread starter DS
  • Start date Start date


I have this code that works very well, except I want to send the contents of
a small report in the body of an E-Mail. Right now I'm transferring the
report to a txt file, works fine. How can I get that to the body of the E-

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoBasic = 1
Dim objCDOConfig As Object, objCDOMessage As Object
Dim strSch As String

strSch = ""
Set objCDOConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With objCDOConfig.Fields
.Item(strSch & "sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(strSch & "smtpserver") = ""
.Item(strSch & "smtpauthenticate") = cdoBasic
.Item(strSch & "sendusername") = "Big Corp"
.Item(strSch & "sendpassword") = "99"
End With

Set objCDOMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objCDOMessage
Set .Configuration = objCDOConfig
.FROM = "Big Corp"
.sender = "(e-mail address removed)"
.TO = "(e-mail address removed)"
.subject = "SALES UPDATE"
.TextBody = "This should be the contents of the text file that is
from the report "
End With
Set objCDOMessage = Nothing
Set objCDOConfig = Nothing

DS said:
I have this code that works very well, except I want to send the contents of
a small report in the body of an E-Mail. Right now I'm transferring the
report to a txt file, works fine. How can I get that to the body of the E-

You'll need to get the contents of that report into a string variable.
Of course you can't do that. So the method is read the same data
that's on the report into a string variable. At least one recordset
read and maybe multiple looping through records.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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DS said:
I have this code that works very well, except I want to send the contents
a small report in the body of an E-Mail. Right now I'm transferring the
report to a txt file, works fine. How can I get that to the body of the

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoBasic = 1
Dim objCDOConfig As Object, objCDOMessage As Object
Dim strSch As String

strSch = ""
Set objCDOConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With objCDOConfig.Fields
.Item(strSch & "sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(strSch & "smtpserver") = ""
.Item(strSch & "smtpauthenticate") = cdoBasic
.Item(strSch & "sendusername") = "Big Corp"
.Item(strSch & "sendpassword") = "99"
End With

Set objCDOMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objCDOMessage
Set .Configuration = objCDOConfig
.FROM = "Big Corp"
.sender = "(e-mail address removed)"
.TO = "(e-mail address removed)"
.subject = "SALES UPDATE"
.TextBody = "This should be the contents of the text file that is
from the report "
End With
Set objCDOMessage = Nothing
Set objCDOConfig = Nothing


Read the file into a string variable, like this:

Dim f As Integer, b As String

Open "MyFilePath.txt" For Binary Access Read as f
b = Space$(LOF(f))
Get #f, , b
Close f

Then assign it:

..TextBody = b
DS said:
I have this code that works very well, except I want to send the contents
a small report in the body of an E-Mail. Right now I'm transferring the
report to a txt file, works fine. How can I get that to the body of the

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoBasic = 1
Dim objCDOConfig As Object, objCDOMessage As Object
Dim strSch As String

strSch = ""
Set objCDOConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With objCDOConfig.Fields
.Item(strSch & "sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(strSch & "smtpserver") = ""
.Item(strSch & "smtpauthenticate") = cdoBasic
.Item(strSch & "sendusername") = "Big Corp"
.Item(strSch & "sendpassword") = "99"
End With

Set objCDOMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objCDOMessage
Set .Configuration = objCDOConfig
.FROM = "Big Corp"
.sender = "(e-mail address removed)"
.TO = "(e-mail address removed)"
.subject = "SALES UPDATE"
.TextBody = "This should be the contents of the text file that is
from the report "
End With
Set objCDOMessage = Nothing
Set objCDOConfig = Nothing


Read the file into a string variable, like this:

Dim f As Integer, b As String

Open "MyFilePath.txt" For Binary Access Read as f
b = Space$(LOF(f))
Get #f, , b
Close f

Then assign it:

..TextBody = b