it works...
by the way this is my scenario of my project:
at server side(desktop PC):
actually i had done a program using java(using Kvanttisms API
[] ), that is able to
send and receive SMS via a COM port that is connected to a GSM
phone(Nokia 7110) has a GUI that can enter the contents to be sent
as a SMS and also display the contents of the incoming sms..
client side(xdaII):
downloaded the SendSMS from msdn,deployed into the xdaII..
able to send SMS..
n had also use your method to disable the flash sms..
new problem:
my java app is unable to read the coded SMS from the xdaII..
it seems to read only PDU mode..
do not have e knowledge to change to TEXT mode..
i had try changing the codes in file in the Kvanttisms
API from PDU mode(from 0) to text mode(to 1), but it still cant work..
need to know how to program to TEXT mode...