I got the following codes from
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/email/lotusnotessample.htm. How will I
assign variable for the 'Sendto' values. Because, I have a txtbox in
the form that holds the e-mail address. How can I assign the value of
the txtbox to the "Sendto'. Thanks.
Dim notesdb As Object
Dim notesdoc As Object
Dim notesrtf As Object
Dim notessession As Object
Set notessession = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
Set notesdb = notessession.getdatabase("", "")
Call notesdb.openmail
Rem make new mail message
Set notesdoc = notesdb.createdocument
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Sendto", strSupportEMail)
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Subject", "Problem Report")
Set notesrtf = notesdoc.createrichtextitem("body")
Call notesrtf.appendtext("Problem Report")
Call notesrtf.addnewline(2)
Rem attach Error Report doc
's = ActiveDocument.Path + "\" + ActiveDocument.Name
Call notesrtf.embedObject(1454, "", strCurrentPath, "Mail.rtf")
Rem send message
Call notesdoc.Send(False)
Set notessession = Nothing
GB located the following snippet for passing the password.
Dim MailPassword As String
Dim lnSession As NotesSession
Set lnSession = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
Call lnSession.Initialize(MailPassword)
I got the following codes from
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/email/lotusnotessample.htm. How will I
assign variable for the 'Sendto' values. Because, I have a txtbox in
the form that holds the e-mail address. How can I assign the value of
the txtbox to the "Sendto'. Thanks.
Dim notesdb As Object
Dim notesdoc As Object
Dim notesrtf As Object
Dim notessession As Object
Set notessession = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
Set notesdb = notessession.getdatabase("", "")
Call notesdb.openmail
Rem make new mail message
Set notesdoc = notesdb.createdocument
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Sendto", strSupportEMail)
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Subject", "Problem Report")
Set notesrtf = notesdoc.createrichtextitem("body")
Call notesrtf.appendtext("Problem Report")
Call notesrtf.addnewline(2)
Rem attach Error Report doc
's = ActiveDocument.Path + "\" + ActiveDocument.Name
Call notesrtf.embedObject(1454, "", strCurrentPath, "Mail.rtf")
Rem send message
Call notesdoc.Send(False)
Set notessession = Nothing
GB located the following snippet for passing the password.
Dim MailPassword As String
Dim lnSession As NotesSession
Set lnSession = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
Call lnSession.Initialize(MailPassword)