"desktop as shortcut" XP&num=100&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wg
And it doesn't work here (I'm too lazy to fix), it duplicates the CMC CLSID.
I am sorry to disagree but I am taking this from here. It does work (only the Send To from Win95) on both my Win2000\2003 and also on my wife,s XP Home without any issues at all.
But agreeing with you I would not touch any other Power Toy aside from Send To within that Win 95 package.
This is from Jim Eshelmans MVP Site and is the only reference that I can find
Send to X, which adds to the “Send To” context menu options of Send To Any Folder, Send To Clipboard, and Send To Command Line, has caused some problems in Windows 98. Some people report that it interferes with Win98’s built-in Send to Desktop feature. This does not happen on every computer (it didn’t happen on mine), but does happen on some.
Win ME & XP NOTE: With only a single exception known to me, users have reported that this PowerToy installs and works just fine on Windows ME and XP, without needing the patch. To ward against even a slim chance of a problem, set a Restore Point right before installing “Send to X,” immediately test for problems, and do a System Restore if you want to back out of the install.
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"David Candy" <.> wrote in message No it doesn't. Parts do but one needs to fix it if installing on Win 95 with IE4 Desktop Update or later (incl XP).
Install the Windows 95 Send To Power Toys. After installing go to Add/Remove programs in Control Panel and select Send To Extension Power Toys, click Add/Remove and clear the checkboxes for the three mail extensions. Run the fix below by typing in Start Run
regsvr32 sendmail
One of the 3 old Mail targets (replaced by one combined target in 98 and later) conflicts with Send To Desktop As Shortcut.
The old Win95 Power Toy Send To works just like a charm on XP.