You are correct; it is not easy to implement a send-to-friend button.
That is why we did all the hard work for you.
Check out for a free no limit send-to-friend button
that you can deploy for your entire site. There is no catch. Our
send-to-friend button is 100% free.
Deliverent's send-to-friend technology is very powerful because it
allows the sender to email your entire web page to their friend. It
also comes with a secure address book. And best of all, it handles all
the email processing, so you don't even have to configure a SMTP email
Deliverent creates the Send-to-friend button for you in pure
HTML/JavaScript code, so you can integrate with any environment.
Unlike other send-to-friend services, we have an active community of
hundreds-of-thousands of active users who use our JumpKnowledge service
available at
to email tens-of-thousands of web pages daily. This vibrant community
ensures that our technology is constantly being tested against all
types of web pages and that our email delivery does not falter even for
a moment.
Full disclosure: I work for Deliverent/jkn and I welcome your questions
and feedback.
Jack Murphy