Send Subform to Back of Main Form?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Gyetko
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Jason Gyetko

I have a main form with boxes & text on it, and a subform placed overtop of
those boxes. Is there a way to send the subform to the back so that it
appears behind the boxes. I tried clicking on format and sending it to the
back, but it still covers up everything on my main form. Thanks.

From a usability standpoint, having fields jump in and out of existence can
be confusing to users. Why do you feel it is necessary to have a subform
that dominates and disappears?

By the way, that last was a hint: take a look at the subform control's
..Visible property.
I don't want the subform to be invisible, I just want it to show behind any
object on my main form. The reason I need this is because I have a basic
form structure designed on my main form and I can't get the subform to
duplicate that structure (I can'tget all the borders & boxes in the correct
places), so I thought if I just leave the main form as is, then place a
subform over it that only displays the columns of data that I need (with no
borders), then I can just send it to the back so that the borders form the
main form overlay the subform.

Sorry, don't know how to put a "fade" on an object -- good luck!

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>