Send/Receive Notification Alert



I often have many e-mails (sometimes 50+) when I log on to Outlook, and I'd
like to have Outlook play a sound to notify me when all the messages are
received. (I think it used to do that, but it doesn't any more.) Does anybody
know where they hide that option? I can't find it.

It does play a sound when a single e-mail arrives after I'm logged on, but
it won't do anything when a bunch of downloads are complete after my initial
logon or after I've hit the Send/Receive button.

I'm running Office 3003 under Windows XP Professional.

Thanks for the help.



Dear Fred,

It's in your XP Control Panel / Sounds and Audio Devices / Sounds
(tab) in the Program events, scroll to New Mail Notification, then
select a sound from the Sounds drop down.

Hope that helps.

The while-you-were-out message program you have been looking for!


Actually, that option is already selected. It gives me an alert sound when a
single e-mail arrives after I'm logged on, but it doesn't do anything on my
initial download when I'm logging in to Outlook.

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