Send Pictures With Messages Unchecking Itself

  • Thread starter Thread starter tonystewart02_05champ
  • Start date Start date


A friend of mine is running XP Home on a Dell computer that is about 1
yr old, all she does is surf the web and send emails, no one else uses
this computer.

About 2 weeks ago all of her forwarded pictures were being received
with a blank box and the red X. (not attachments just pictures with
text below them)

I went to see what the problem was and somehow "send pictures with
messages" wasn't checked. (under tools>options>send>HTML settings)

I checked the box and tested it, everything was fine. By the time I
got home (15 minutes) she had forwarded me a couple of emails and once
again, blank boxes with the red x.

I called her on the phone and had her look under
tools>options>send>HTML settings to see if the box was still checked,
and it wasn't. I told her to check it and hit "OK" and close it out,
then had her forward me a couple of emails with pics and everything
was fine.

Now, a day later, blank boxes AGAIN! How is this box unchecking

BTW, I ran a virus and adware/spyware scan, no virus' a couple of
pieces of adware which I deleted.
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This newsgroup is for support of Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 & 2007
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