Is it possible to modify that list to only show certain types ie excel and
No. but you can prompt the user before issuing the command and handle the
response accordingly:
bolOutput = False
Do While bolOutput = False
strResponse = nz(InputBox("Enter the desired export format (type
'Excel', 'Access' or 'Cancel'","Enter Export Format")," ")
Select Case Ucase(Left(strResponse,1))
Case " "
' No response. No nothing (i.e., Prompt again)
Case "C"
' User Canceled
Exit Sub
Case "E"
' Export to Excel
bolOutput = True
DoCmd.SendObject [x],[y],[z],acFormatXLS
Case "A"
' Export to Access snapshot
bolOutput = True
DoCmd.SendObject [x],[y],[z],acFormatSNP
Case Else
' Unexpected response. No nothing (i.e., Prompt again)
End Select
' Note: although acFormatSNP is a valid Access constant, it is NOT one of
the 5 listed as acceptable values for this argument in the Help file for
SendObject (AccXP) . Therefore, this might raise an error (the above is
untested aircode). On the other hand, I suspect the AccXP Help file contains
a typo here because it refers to the xlSendObjectOutputFormat constant which
would seem to be a little out of place in the Access object model.