Send form values using AspNetEmail. Can you help me out? Thank You

  • Thread starter Thread starter Miguel Dias Moura
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Miguel Dias Moura


Can you help me out in making this work? What I want is as simple as sending
form values to an email.

The code I am using is the following:

<Script runat="server">

Private Sub Page_Load()

Dim msg As EmailMessage = New EmailMessage("localhost")

Dim msgTo, msgFrom, msgName, msgSubject, msgMessage

msgTo = Request.Form("to")

msgFrom = Request.Form("from")

msgName = Request.Form("name")

msgSubject = Request.Form("subject")

msgMessage = Request.Form("message")

' Set the email type

msg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html

' Set the from address

msg.FromAddress = msgFrom

' Set the to address

msg.To = msgTo

' Set the from name

msg.FromName = msgFrom

' Set the email subject

msg.Subject = msgSubject

' Set the email message

msg.Body = "<html><head><style type='text/css'>body {font-family:
Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;color: #333333;
background-color: </style></head><body>" &_

"<strong>New Message</strong>" &_

"<br><strong>From: </strong>" & msgFrom &_

"<br><strong>Name: </strong>" & msgName &_

"<br><strong>To: </strong>" & msgTo &_

"<br><strong>Subject: </strong>" & msgSubject &_

"<br><strong>Message Text</strong>" &_

"<br> " & msgMessageField &_


' Internal Exceptions

msg.ThrowException = False

' Logging and LogBody


msg.LogBody = false

' Sends Message

If msg.Send() Then

' Redirects to error page



' Redirects to confirmed page


End If

End Sub


I really would appreciate if you could send me a working example using my
code. I am trying to make it work for 1 week and until now I had no luck.

The form has 5 text inputs: to, from, name, subject and message AND a button
which when pressed should send the form values in the email.

I tryied to comment everything I could think of. I am working in /

Thank You Very Much,

Miguel Moura
Hi Miguel,

What is it you want to archieve, because with sending email there are a lot
of possibilities which are not always clear when you start with it the first
time, to name some:
- you can use an SMTP webserver which sends mails for the user (that is
what you are doing now), but not using his own mailclient but that
mailserver. That mailserver can be everywhere however the ISP should allows
that (You can think by this on spammail situation where this is ideal for).
- you can do the same but using your Exchange server.
- you can use the office outlook client.
- you can send a standard client webmail using outlookexpress, outlook
office, lotus mail or whatever mailclient (not with attachments)
- ......... more situations

Some information about this will help you giving you not the wrong
