Send for Review


Brian Sullivan

I am seeing a weirdness importing a ppt presentation into Producer (the
preview function in Producer indicates missing files, and shows a strange
display of a toc page). The only thing I can see in the ppt file that looks
out of the ordinary is the "send for review" was used to send it.

Creating a new presentation, importing the all the slides from the
offending presentation seems to make the problem go away.

Is there somewhere a discussion on what "send for review" actually does or
if it might be the culprit? Or does anybody have a swag what the problem

Echo S

Send for Review actually keeps a copy of the presentation to compare to, to
see what's changed. It can cause huge file sizes -- which can be a bear to
figure out if you didn't realize the review stuff was turned on. (I saw one
file that ended up 35MB because of the review features. I think the actual
file size was, like, 3 or 5 MB. See the bottom of this page for specifics on review
features and file bloat. I can definitely see it affecting Producer files.

Brian Sullivan

Send for Review actually keeps a copy of the presentation to compare to, to
see what's changed. It can cause huge file sizes -- which can be a bear to
figure out if you didn't realize the review stuff was turned on. (I saw one
file that ended up 35MB because of the review features. I think the actual
file size was, like, 3 or 5 MB. See the bottom of this page for specifics on review
features and file bloat. I can definitely see it affecting Producer files.

The hidden OLE object has some resonance -- I guess I will blame the
problem on this then.

What an awful "feature"!

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