send email

  • Thread starter Thread starter kms
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Let's hope I can explain this clearly.

I have a form with a submit button on it. I would like for this button to
send an email to the employee's supervisor notifying them that there is a
document that needs to be approved. I have a table with all employee names,
email addresses and supervisor's name.

I can't seem to figure out the best way to program the button to send the
email to the supervisor without the user having to type the email address in
automatically. The user's name is in the table that is the record source for
the form.

I'm not familiar with coding so the command button was created with the
macro builder. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument either
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get it
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)
Thanks leslie but it didn't work the address that was entered into Outlooks
to field was the d lookup function. Any other ideas. I'll keep trying.

Leslie Isaacs said:
Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument either
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get it
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)

kms said:
Let's hope I can explain this clearly.

I have a form with a submit button on it. I would like for this button to
send an email to the employee's supervisor notifying them that there is a
document that needs to be approved. I have a table with all employee names,
email addresses and supervisor's name.

I can't seem to figure out the best way to program the button to send the
email to the supervisor without the user having to type the email address in
automatically. The user's name is in the table that is the record source for
the form.

I'm not familiar with coding so the command button was created with the
macro builder. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try the syntax of the To argument like this...

=DLookup("[supervisor_email_address]","companies","[companyID]=" &

Like Les's answer, this too is a guess, as you haven't really given us
enough information to go on. We would really need to know where we are
supposed to find the email address of the supervisor, and how this is
related to the data that the form is based on.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

kms said:
Thanks leslie but it didn't work the address that was entered into
to field was the d lookup function. Any other ideas. I'll keep trying.

Leslie Isaacs said:
Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get it
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)
I have a table that has all of our employees names, email addresses, user id
and supervisors names. (The supervisors are included in this table as
employees as well.)

I have a PO form, a control on the form automaically populates who the form
was created by the default value current user. I have a submit button that
is suppose to email the creater's supervisor to approve the po. I have 2
problems. First I'm trying to figure out how to get the email addresses of
the creater's supervisor from the employee table, I've played around with
queries to pull the data from the employee table but I haven't quite figured
that out yet. The second thing is I need to know what syntax to include in
the "To:" section of the send object command. This is the code I'm using thus
far, please note I'm not even sure that this will even pull the correct email

Private Sub Command299_Click()
On Error GoTo SUBMIT_PO1_Err

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport "PO FORM PRINT TEST", acViewPreview, "", "[PO
#]=[Forms]![PO FORM TEST]![PO #]", acNormal
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)",
"DLOOKUP([Employee_test]![Email_Address],[Employee test],[First Name]&'
'&[Last Name]=[Forms]![PO_FORM_TEST]![MANAGER])", "", "", "PURCHASE ORDER",
"", True, ""
DoCmd.Close acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PO FORM TEST"
DoCmd.OpenForm "PURCHASE ORDER MENU", acNormal, "", "", acEdit, acNormal

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume SUBMIT_PO1_Exit

Steve Schapel said:

Try the syntax of the To argument like this...

=DLookup("[supervisor_email_address]","companies","[companyID]=" &

Like Les's answer, this too is a guess, as you haven't really given us
enough information to go on. We would really need to know where we are
supposed to find the email address of the supervisor, and how this is
related to the data that the form is based on.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

kms said:
Thanks leslie but it didn't work the address that was entered into
to field was the d lookup function. Any other ideas. I'll keep trying.

Leslie Isaacs said:
Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get it
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)

Ok, well first of all this is a VBA procedure, which is quite a different
creature than an Access macro. So I'm glad we clarified that.

Secondly, you did not seem to see the way I used the quotes in the DLookup
function I showed you. Each of the 3 arguments of the DLookuo need to be
separately delimited with ""s.

And also the DLookup expression is missing quite a few spaces where there
need to be spaces.

But anyway since you have this in VBA, it will probably be better to assign
the email address, via the DLookup, to a String variable first, and then put
the variable into the SendObject code.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

kms said:
I have a table that has all of our employees names, email addresses, user
and supervisors names. (The supervisors are included in this table as
employees as well.)

I have a PO form, a control on the form automaically populates who the
was created by the default value current user. I have a submit button
is suppose to email the creater's supervisor to approve the po. I have 2
problems. First I'm trying to figure out how to get the email addresses
the creater's supervisor from the employee table, I've played around with
queries to pull the data from the employee table but I haven't quite
that out yet. The second thing is I need to know what syntax to include in
the "To:" section of the send object command. This is the code I'm using
far, please note I'm not even sure that this will even pull the correct

Private Sub Command299_Click()
On Error GoTo SUBMIT_PO1_Err

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport "PO FORM PRINT TEST", acViewPreview, "", "[PO
#]=[Forms]![PO FORM TEST]![PO #]", acNormal
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)",
"DLOOKUP([Employee_test]![Email_Address],[Employee test],[First Name]&'
'&[Last Name]=[Forms]![PO_FORM_TEST]![MANAGER])", "", "", "PURCHASE
"", True, ""
DoCmd.Close acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PO FORM TEST"
DoCmd.OpenForm "PURCHASE ORDER MENU", acNormal, "", "", acEdit,

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume SUBMIT_PO1_Exit

Steve Schapel said:

Try the syntax of the To argument like this...

=DLookup("[supervisor_email_address]","companies","[companyID]=" &

Like Les's answer, this too is a guess, as you haven't really given us
enough information to go on. We would really need to know where we are
supposed to find the email address of the supervisor, and how this is
related to the data that the form is based on.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

kms said:
Thanks leslie but it didn't work the address that was entered into
to field was the d lookup function. Any other ideas. I'll keep


Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)
Even though its in VBA let me tell ya I'm quite clueless about coding. I
actually had it in a macro first and then converted it to VBA. So what do
you mean by assigning it as a "String variable first"?

Steve Schapel said:

Ok, well first of all this is a VBA procedure, which is quite a different
creature than an Access macro. So I'm glad we clarified that.

Secondly, you did not seem to see the way I used the quotes in the DLookup
function I showed you. Each of the 3 arguments of the DLookuo need to be
separately delimited with ""s.

And also the DLookup expression is missing quite a few spaces where there
need to be spaces.

But anyway since you have this in VBA, it will probably be better to assign
the email address, via the DLookup, to a String variable first, and then put
the variable into the SendObject code.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

kms said:
I have a table that has all of our employees names, email addresses, user
and supervisors names. (The supervisors are included in this table as
employees as well.)

I have a PO form, a control on the form automaically populates who the
was created by the default value current user. I have a submit button
is suppose to email the creater's supervisor to approve the po. I have 2
problems. First I'm trying to figure out how to get the email addresses
the creater's supervisor from the employee table, I've played around with
queries to pull the data from the employee table but I haven't quite
that out yet. The second thing is I need to know what syntax to include in
the "To:" section of the send object command. This is the code I'm using
far, please note I'm not even sure that this will even pull the correct

Private Sub Command299_Click()
On Error GoTo SUBMIT_PO1_Err

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport "PO FORM PRINT TEST", acViewPreview, "", "[PO
#]=[Forms]![PO FORM TEST]![PO #]", acNormal
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)",
"DLOOKUP([Employee_test]![Email_Address],[Employee test],[First Name]&'
'&[Last Name]=[Forms]![PO_FORM_TEST]![MANAGER])", "", "", "PURCHASE
"", True, ""
DoCmd.Close acReport, "PO FORM PRINT TEST"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PO FORM TEST"
DoCmd.OpenForm "PURCHASE ORDER MENU", acNormal, "", "", acEdit,

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume SUBMIT_PO1_Exit

Steve Schapel said:

Try the syntax of the To argument like this...

=DLookup("[supervisor_email_address]","companies","[companyID]=" &

Like Les's answer, this too is a guess, as you haven't really given us
enough information to go on. We would really need to know where we are
supposed to find the email address of the supervisor, and how this is
related to the data that the form is based on.

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

Thanks leslie but it didn't work the address that was entered into
to field was the d lookup function. Any other ideas. I'll keep


Hello "kms"

I'm no expert (I ask more questions here than I answer!), but...

Use the SendObject macro action, and for the email address argument
use Dlookup (e.g. Dlookup([companies]![supervisor_email_address],
or, if the email address happens to be on the current form, just get
from there: [Forms]![frm_myform]![supervisor_email_address]

Don't know if it will work, but worth a try!

Leslie Isaacs (NVA)