send email using outlook




I am using access to automate sending emails using outlook. How do I send
emails without opening Outlook or can I?

Many thanks in advance


I have not used the following code - I usually use the Outlook Express
client since my work is always on corporate standard clients with
Outlook set - but it seems easy enough; you would only need to automate
collection/setting of e-mail strings:

**Module (space formatting added to make it easier to read):

Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll"
Alias "ShellExecuteA"
(ByVal hwnd As Long,
ByVal lpOperation As String,
ByVal lpFile As String,
ByVal lpParameters As String,
ByVal lpDirectory As String,
ByVal nShowCmd As Long)
As Long

'**Code attached to a button:

Dim stext As String

'Hard coded parts of the e-mail, stripped down to the minimum
stext = "mailto:[email protected]?"
stext = stext & "&Subject=" & "Document attached"
stext = stext & "&Body=" & "Please find the document attached"

'Launch default e-mail
Call ShellExecute(hwnd, "open", stext, vbNullString, vbNullString,


Hi James

I have a code to automate using Outlook Express but I can't seem to be able
to set attachments. Does you code allow you to set attachments?

Thanks and regards


Hi James

I have a code to automate using Outlook Express but I can't seem to be able
to set attachments. Does you code allow you to set attachments?

Thanks and regards


I haven't used the code provided; I wrote that in the first sentence.
I do have Outlook code, and to send mail one needs to replace .Display
with .Send in the with area. This code will allow attachments:

Sub RequestAccess()

Dim objOutlookApp As Object
Dim objOutlookMail As Object

Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objOutlookMail = objOutlookApp.CreateItem(0)

Dim strRecipients As String
Dim CurrentUser As String

strRecipients = "[Put you recipients here]"

With objOutlookMail
.To = strRecipients
.Subject = "Request..."
End With

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

End Sub


I haven't used the code provided; I wrote that in the first sentence.
I do have Outlook code, and to send mail one needs to replace .Display
with .Send in the with area. This code will allow attachments:

Sub RequestAccess()

Dim objOutlookApp As Object
Dim objOutlookMail As Object

Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objOutlookMail = objOutlookApp.CreateItem(0)

Dim strRecipients As String
Dim CurrentUser As String

strRecipients = "[Put you recipients here]"

With objOutlookMail
.To = strRecipients
.Subject = "Request..."
End With

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

End Sub


Thanks James

Appreciate your help and time


I haven't used the code provided; I wrote that in the first sentence.
I do have Outlook code, and to send mail one needs to replace .Display
with .Send in the with area. This code will allow attachments:

Sub RequestAccess()

Dim objOutlookApp As Object
Dim objOutlookMail As Object

Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objOutlookMail = objOutlookApp.CreateItem(0)

Dim strRecipients As String
Dim CurrentUser As String

strRecipients = "[Put you recipients here]"

With objOutlookMail
.To = strRecipients
.Subject = "Request..."
End With

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"

'releases resources from outlook and associated components
If Not objOutlookApp Is Nothing Then


If Not objOutlookMail Is Nothing Then
Set objOutlookMail = Nothing
End If

Set objOutlookApp = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Hi James

I have a code to automate using Outlook Express but I can't seem to be able
to set attachments. Does you code allow you to set attachments?

Thanks and regards


The following will work: (use only the parts of the email message that
you need). These are all of the aspects of outlook email that I have
found so far.

This assums the button name is command0.
If Outlook is NOT open when this is done, then the email simply goes
into the outbox.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objEmail
.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
.CC = "(e-mail address removed)"
.BCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
.Subject = "Look at this sample attachment"
.body = "The body doesn't matter, just the attachment"
.Attachments.Add "C:\Test.htm"
'.attachments.Add "c:\Path\to\the\next\file.txt"

' ========================================
' next two only if the body is to include HTML

.bodyformat = 2 ' not necessary if no html this makes
it html
' 1 is text 2 is
.htmlbody = Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"<body>" & _
"<Table>" &_
"<tr>" &_
"<td><b> Date: </b></td>" & _
"<td>" & Date & "</td>" & _
"</tr>" &_
"<tr>" &_
"<td></td>" & _
"<td></td>" & _
"</tr>" &_
" </Table>" &_


'.Display ' to see the email have have user actually do the
' don't use the .Send if you are using

End With

Set objOutlook = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Here

End Sub

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