Send>Email function unavailabe Word 2007



Hello all,

It seems that this has been addressed quite a few times, but I have yet to
see a satisfactory answer, so here we go. In Word and Excel 2007, the
Send>Email function is greyed out and unavailable. I am using version
12.0.4518.1014, Vista Home Premier, and do not have Outlook installed
(instead I have Windows Mail with a functioning Gmail account). If I open up
Power Point 2007, the Send>Email function is available to me.

Also, I can use the "Send to Mail Recipient" option in the quick access
toolbar, but I get an error that causes Word 2007 to crash.

If anyone can help, that would be great.



Well, I know that a lot of people have this problem, and with some help on
the Dell forums I found the solution. Check out this link:

If you are using Vista, the first option won't work no matter what you do.
If you go to the second option and edit your registry everything should work
fine. My registry was missing all of the values listed, and even though my
one subdirectory had registry values for "Outlook", all of these edits made
Windows Mail fully functional in Word and Excel 2007.



Create a .reg file containing the following and then apply the reg
file. Works for me in Word 2007.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem]


This worked for me (Vista Home Primier). Don't let the fact that the article
glosses over the fact that Word 07 is not built to run automatically with
Windows Mail discourage you.

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