I am using this at present from Access 2000
Dim MsgText As Strin
Dim Recipient As Strin
Dim SubjectStr As Strin
Dim ProjectIDStr As Strin
Dim MilstoneNoStr As Strin
Recipient = "(e-mail address removed)" ' The target email addres
SubjectStr = "Project Milestone Report due in one month
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_MilstonesDue", acNorma
ProjectIDStr = Forms!frm_MilstonesDue!ProjectID.Valu
MilstoneNoStr = Forms!frm_MilstonesDue!MileNo.Valu
MsgText = "This is a reminder that your next milestone report for " & vbCr &
"Project: " & ProjectIDStr & vbCr &
"Milestone: " & MilstoneNoStr & vbCr &
"is due in one month " &
"and should be forwarded as soon as possible." & vbCr &
"If there is any problem in meeting this deadline please contact your Chief Scientist." & vbCr & vbCr &
"System Generated Email" & vbCr & "SARDI Project Database
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem
myItem.Subject = SubjectSt
myItem.To = Recipien
myItem.Body = MsgTex
As you can see, this is pulling project milestone data from a database and emailing reminders to research scientists
You could use
Recipient = Forms!YourForm!YourEmailBox.Valu
MsgTxt = Forms!YourForm!YourContentBox.Valu
I hope this helps