Send data to serial port

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew P.
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Andrew P.

Hi All

I want to be able to send small bits of HEX data to the serial port from
Excel. I dont have any VB program other than the standard editor in Excel,
Acces etc.

I have read some posts that refer to MSCOMM32, but from what I understand,
it is for use by people with a full VB program. Is there any way to do it?

Thanks a lot
Thanks Eric

Im using the code in and I can
see that I have activity on the port now. The commands are not being
recognised by the connected equipment though. The equipment expects a HEX
string, I have the HEX data (which works if I send via another program) but
Im not sure how I should present it in this code. For example, one command is:


The data is made up of groups of 2 HEX digits, so the first is OE, second is
OE, third is 00 etc

I tried using:
strData = "0E0E00000505000C20450164A5A5"

I tried also doing it as decimal:
strData = "014014000000005005000012032069001100165165"

strData = "014" & "014" & "000" & "000" & "005" & "005" & "000" & "012" &
"032" & "069" & "001" & "100" & "165" & "165"

and also as:
strData = "0E" & "0E" & "00" & "00" & "05" & "05" & "00" & "0C" & "20" &
"45" & "01" & "64" & "A5" & "A5"

and a bunch of other ways of representing it, but always no good. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again

Unfortunately it's been at least 20 years since I've had to deal with issues
like this, and my memory is fading fast! I do remember that there were
escape codes I had to send to whatever box or board I was working with to get
its attention before I sent it any commands or grabbed any data.

Sorry I can't be more helpful. Good luck in figuring it out.
