Send all has no effect on the e-mails in Outbox



Outlook 2007 SP1 on Vista Ultimate SP1.
Sudenly my Outlook changed the behaviour when sending e-mail.
When I click on Send the e-mail is moved to Outbox.
On Outbox the e-mail is listed under Date: none (it has indeed no Sent
Date). The font is normal (not italic).
When pressing on Send All noting happens.
I ran Office Diagnostics, no effect.
What should I do ?

Roady [MVP]

Is Outlook perhaps in offline mode?
Verify via File-> Work Offline. This shouldn't be selected.

Roady [MVP]

Then we need more information to work with.
Which mail account type are you using?
Have you already activated your version of Outlook/Outlook?
Do you have a virus scanner installed which integrates with Outlook?
Does it work in Outlook Safe Mode?
Start-> type; outlook.exe /safe


Which mail account type are you using?
Have you already activated your version of Outlook/Outlook? Yes, a long time ago
Do you have a virus scanner installed which integrates with Outlook?
The Virus scanner is AVAST; it has worked OK since installation 3 mo ago
Does it work in Outlook Safe Mode?
At this moment the behaviour changed: the e-mails are enabled for sending
(italic font in Outbox) if there is at least one email disabled, (with Sent
date = none).

Imagine I have 4 e-mails in Outbox. The first one is disabled the next 3
are enabled. I remove the first one, the second one becomes disabled. I
press Send All, the last 2 are sent, the disabled one remains.

Thanks Dan

Roady [MVP]

The Virus scanner is AVAST; it has worked OK since installation 3 mo ago
Even though it worked for a while, I'd still recommend to disable its
integration with Outlook. You don't need it and it is a know source of
causing lots of issues. Does it work correctly when its integration is

Are all these POP3 accounts hosted at the same ISP or at different ones?


I disabled the "Outlook Provider" in AVAST + reboot. No effect whatsoever.
All accounts are at the same ISP.
Correction related to the behaviour description: there must be actually one
"disabled" e-mail for each "TO" account for which I want to send an email.
The disabled e-mails do not appear in the folder "Sent Items".

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