Send a day view of a calendar in an email

  • Thread starter Thread starter jamie.harbour
  • Start date Start date



I am using a mailbox as a resource mailbox for a meeting room so it
can auto accepts bookings etc. Is there any way (VB code I hope), that
will allow me to email a list of tomorrows bookings to reception. This
could would need to run when Outlook is closed and at a set time each
day. I am running Outlook 2003,

Thanks for your help,

Scheduling Outlook to start using the Task Scheduler will cause Outlook to
run under the context of a different account than the normal user. This will
most likely create some unexpected effects on any VBA code that may run.
Your safest best is just to run the macro yourself when you need to.

The Outlook Object Model is unsuitable to run in a Windows service:;en-us;237913

Thanks for the reply,

Do you know if there is anyway I can get exchange server to perform a
script like this? I have already made use of the "have server reply"
rule to send an email while outlook is not running.

Can you think of a better way of taking a calender day of bookings and
delivering them to an email address?

Thank for your help,

Exchange supports the use of Event Sinks, which is code that runs on the
server and can work on a timer if so desired. However, creating event sinks
is a very advanced operation.

If you're dead set on having an e-mail sent at a specific time only, there
are options but with some limitations and caveats.

Otherwise, a simple macro to run on demand would be your best option.