Self linking tabel in editabel query

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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I have a StaffBookings table with Date, Time, StaffID and ClientID columns
which I use to enter information via a bound form. Now I also need to have a
column that shows the count of jobs that the staff has done. My solution
would be to do a count query on StaffBookings table and link it to the
StaffBookings table itself.

Problem is that such a query makes the form un-editable as far as I
understand. How can I get round that; that form bound to StaffBookings table
is editable but also has the count?



You've described a "how", but I'm not clear on your "what" yet.

You have a form that you use for data entry related to Staff Bookings,

Are you looking for a way to see how many bookings each staff person has?

If so, and if your table structure is well-normalized, you could use a main
form/subform construction, in which each staff person (shown one-at-a-time
on main form) would have a list of bookings showing in the subform. You
could use this approach to add/edit bookings and to edit info on the staff

If your data structure isn't well-normalized, you could probably still get a
count of the number of bookings for a staff person by using one of the
database functions, like DCount() (check Access HELP for the syntax on this


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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Use the DCount function to count the rows per StaffID value.  Unlike using a
subquery or joining the table to a query which uses the COUNT operator the
query will be updatable:

DCount("*", "StaffBookings","StaffID = " & [StaffID]) AS JobCount
FROM StaffBookings;

This assumes StaffID is a number data type.  If it’s a text data typeamend
it to:

DCount("*", "StaffBookings","StaffID = """ & [StaffID] & """")

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Nice answer.

James A. Fortune
(e-mail address removed)