I have a created an inventory database that uses a self
join since all records have virtually the same types of
Here's an example (records are made up):
ID Foreign_Key Part Name Serial #
1 Computer 1 12345
2 1 Hard Drive 67890
3 2 Read/Write Head 87654
I want to be able to query for Computer 1 and have every
part (both the Hard Drive and the Read/Write Head)
returned in my query.
Thanks in advance!
I have a created an inventory database that uses a self
join since all records have virtually the same types of
Here's an example (records are made up):
ID Foreign_Key Part Name Serial #
1 Computer 1 12345
2 1 Hard Drive 67890
3 2 Read/Write Head 87654
I want to be able to query for Computer 1 and have every
part (both the Hard Drive and the Read/Write Head)
returned in my query.
Thanks in advance!