Set up a range with your percentages. Say you wanted to identify <20%,
20-40%, and >40%. Put these numbers in the sheet:
And color the cells they are in with the color you want the wedge (for
red below 20%, color the cell with 0 red). This way is easiest, because
if you want to change the percentage cut offs, or the colors, you can
easily change the sheet, and the macro will still work.
Select your chart, and run this macro:
Sub ColorByPercent()
Dim iPtCt As Integer
Dim iPtIx As Integer
Dim iCell As Integer
Dim dTotal As Double
Dim rColor As Range
Dim vVals As Variant
dTotal = 0
Set rColor = ActiveSheet.Range("B11:B13")
If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Select a chart and try again.", vbExclamation
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
iPtCt = .Points.Count
vVals = .Values
For iPtIx = 1 To iPtCt
dTotal = dTotal + vVals(iPtIx)
For iPtIx = 1 To iPtCt
iCell = WorksheetFunction.Match(vVals(iPtIx) _
/ dTotal, rColor, 1)
.Points(iPtIx).Interior.ColorIndex = _
rColor.Resize(1, 1).Offset(iCell - 1, 0) _
End With
End If
End Sub
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions