Selective Precision as Displayed

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I have a series of worksheets that work pricing functions in my workbook. I
need to use the Precision as Displayed in order for Excel to arrive at the
right pricing. But one of the sections that I need to add to this workbook
would require Precision as Displayed to be bypassed in order to arrive at the
desired result. Is there a way to have Precision as Displayed checked in the
workbook, yet reserve an area on a worksheet, or an entire sheet where
Precision as Displayed could be bypassed? Thank you in advance.
I don't think you can.
But there are several ways around.

First, instead of relying on "Precision as displayed", you might use ROUND()
to calculate and display with a specified number of decimals.

Second, note that "Precision as displayed" is not a correct description of
this feature. It should have been something like "Precision as formatted".
For example, if you have =1/3 in a cell of only a few characters wide,
formatted as General, it displays 0.33 or 0.333. But is still calculates
with the "full" precision, that is, Excel's maximum precision of 15
significant decimal digits.
So if you don't format the area that you want to exclude from "Precision as
displayed", or format it as General, Excel will not apply any limits on the
Thanks, Niek. I was hoping for an easier fix than having to rewrite all those
formulas to include the round function, but I'll bite the bullet & do it the
right way. Thanks again.
Ok. Remember that you don't have to if you can format the ranges that you
don't want to calculate with the shown precision as General.
This macro will help you re-write them.

Sub RoundAdd()
Dim mystr As String
Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In Selection
If cel.HasFormula = True Then
If Not cel.Formula Like "=ROUND(*" Then
mystr = Right(cel.Formula, Len(cel.Formula) - 1)
cel.Value = "=ROUND(" & mystr & ",0)"
End If
End If
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP