Selections on Continuous Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Ortt
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John Ortt

Hi everyone,

I am creating a training database and I have got a bit stuck on how to
design my selection tool.

I would like to have a list of all the courses available (populated by
qryCoursesFree) which are displayed in a continuous form.

I would then like the user to click on the record of their choice which in
turn activates an option button next to the record (or a tick box or

The user can then then click on a "Show me selected course" button to view
further data about the course in a new window.

I have always used combo boxes for this type of thing in the past but I
believe the option above would look more professionnal.

I have noticed that "¤" and "¡" in Wingdings can be used to represent option
buttons so I was wonderring if I could cheat and assign the value to a test
box or similar.

Any advice would be massively appreciated, Thanks in advance,

Before I get flamed for asking an FAQ question I already know about the
conditionnal formatting option using code but this method usually references
properties of the underlying recordset, not whether the record is selected
on the form.

I hope that makes sense...
John Ortt said:
I have always used combo boxes for this type of thing in the past but I
believe the option above would look more professionnal.

Hi John,

Just my 2p worth but I think that a list box would look even better than a
combo or a continuous form. YMMV of course. :-)

It might well be better Keith but I am having trouble visualising it.

Can you suggest somewhere I could view a sample of this please?

(I can download if there is one on the tinterweb)
John Ortt said:
It might well be better Keith but I am having trouble visualising it.

Can you suggest somewhere I could view a sample of this please?

(I can download if there is one on the tinterweb)

I only mentioned it because I use list boxes on dialogue box forms, eg for
print report dialogues to list the report names, and it looks very neat,
professional and understated. Couldn't you just bind one to your query and
use the update event to enable your command button?

It is not clear if you need to select this, or just "display" that extra
course information.

You might use two sub-forms ...side by side...

Here is some screen shots of what I mean
I would then like the user to click on the record of their choice which in
turn activates an option button next to the record (or a tick box or

use a button on the form....much better looking..and easy to code!
The user can then then click on a "Show me selected course" button to view
further data about the course in a new window.

As my examples show, you could show the information on the right side. But,
code behind a button is easy

me.refresh ' this only needed if you allow edits...
docmd.OpenForm "frmShowDetails",,,"id = " & me!id

so, one line of code is really only needed to launch that details form.....