Selection Grid



Once the following code has been executed -

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel
As Boolean)
Dim sAddr As String
sAddr = "A1:p84"
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(sAddr)) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

.... the cell that was double clicked remains selected, with a black
grid showing.

Can this be turned off - by code?

Thanks - Kirk


The short answer is no. However, it can be moved to another cell. There
must be an active cell on the active sheet, so there is going to be a cell
with a black "grid" somewhere on the sheet. You can pick a cell to move it
to and simply use:


With ChoiceCell being replaced with the actual cell reference.


The short answer is no. However, it can be moved to another cell. There
must be an active cell on the active sheet, so there is going to be a cell
with a black "grid" somewhere on the sheet. You can pick a cell to move it
to and simply use:


With ChoiceCell being replaced with the actual cell reference.

That sounds like it'll do nicely. Can you give me a example of usage,

I tried "A1".Active and variations thereof without getting the right
syntax. And no help from F1.

Thanks - Kirk

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