Ryan McConnell
Is there any way i can select a number of records from a database and
display then. Then give the user the ability to double click on any
record to add the contents to a text box. (i will format the contents
as xml)
Is there anyway of interfacing with a datagrid other than using the
Grid.Item(int, int) approach? as this would be inefficient.
Another method id considered using was to populate a listBox from the
database and to enable a click to load the info into a form page.
Which of these methods would be the best?
Ryan McConnell
display then. Then give the user the ability to double click on any
record to add the contents to a text box. (i will format the contents
as xml)
Is there anyway of interfacing with a datagrid other than using the
Grid.Item(int, int) approach? as this would be inefficient.
Another method id considered using was to populate a listBox from the
database and to enable a click to load the info into a form page.
Which of these methods would be the best?
Ryan McConnell