I agree with Dave. BESIDES there may be other reasons for not doing
it. Some users may eye situations that mandate NOT using a high
resolution monitor. I have two users who have very large monitors and
need to use low resolution to do their work. I would NOT dare to touch
their resolution.
In a number of apps I have developed, I have had to simply create two
different forms. Basically the same but designed specifically for the
resolutions available and in use. In these apps I have given the user
the option to pick the one that they like with different menu buttons
for the forms. At the same time I could have checked for the
resolution and called what I consider the better resolution. BUT it
still think the two buttons is better. Depending on how the user works
AND the degree that they are perfect-vision challenged, they can
chose. I think it always better for the user to make that decision,
not the developer.
I use a fairly high resolution on my monitor, but I have one user who
has a really large screen and very high resolution and she asked me to
use all of her landscape for the form. But then she had a backup who
simply did not have the ability on her computer to even come close to
that resolutioin. The result was, again, two forms. One for the very
high resolution and one for average resolution.
Yes it was a bear, but then again they are paying the bill.