nycnc said:
Sorry guys, I'm not sure I understand.
When I go to ipconfig, I get one address ( When I
went to I entered that address in and it in turn
provided me with a static ip address with the same 7 digits but
with the last 3 digits different. When I logged on to RDC from the
other PC in my office, this is the address I used and it worked
Now, when I go to check, or, it gives me a
completely different ip address.
Neither of these addresses are working from my home PC.
I'm not sure I am understanding what you are telling me to do?? I
went to a command prompt, typed in 'ping' and it came
back 'Request Timed Out' 3 times and then went back to a command
The address is useless to you outside of the office.
If you got some address at '' - and it resolves to a address that is useless.
You need an address that is publically accessible and that address must be
connected to (assigned to) the Linksys router - as that is the device that
is handing out the address. The linksys router web
interface allows you to configure port forwarding on it - the router itself.
You must tell the router that when a request to port 3389 comes in on its
public IP address - to forward that to a particular internal (private) IP
What you need to do now is:
1) Verify (by logging into the Linksys router and checking its
configuration) what its external IP (WAN/Internet) address is.
2) Verify (by logging into the Linksys router and checking its
configuration) that requests to port 3389 are set to forward to the internal
(private) IP address of your office computer.
This part:
When I go to ipconfig, I get one address ( When I
went to I entered that address in and it in turn
provided me with a static ip address with the same 7 digits but
with the last 3 digits different.
Tells me that the address is incorrect. Will not work. It
must get the public address of your network.
Are you sure you have all network devices accounted for now?
The only way I see this being connected is:
SURFboard® Cable Modem SB5101 is connected to the Cable connection and one
ETHERNET (fat telephone connector) is connected from it to the Linksys
router. There are more ethernet cables (assuming three here) coming off the
Linksys router going to the two computers and the Linksys WPS54G Wireless-G
Print Server.
What that SHOULD be doing is assigning your Linksys Router a public IP
address. It is likely the address you are getting when you visit from the office computer. The Linksys router now controls
everything else hooked to it - the two machines and the print server. It
assigns those devices IPs. Those IPs are only accessible
behind the router (to other devices connected to the router itself.)
The Linksys router - what model is it? So we can all look at the manual?