I have donors and their individual donations in separate tables (1 to many relationship). I would like to create a query that includes only those donors who have not given after Nov. 1, 2003. I have tried several different ways and I'm not getting the results that I want. There are some donors who have given before and after that date and I want to exclude them from my list. The key in the donor table is donor-id. The key in the individual donations table is donor-id and trans-date
I have tried creating 2 queries - one that summarizes all donors and one that summarizes the donors after nov. 1, 2003. Then I tried to exclude the overlapping records by selecting all the donors who do not match the donors in the second query. Doesn't work
I tried updating a field in the donor record with an update query based on the results of the donors after nov. 1 2003 query results, but I get an error that says I can't use an update query on a record on the 1 side of a 1 to many relationship
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts
I have tried creating 2 queries - one that summarizes all donors and one that summarizes the donors after nov. 1, 2003. Then I tried to exclude the overlapping records by selecting all the donors who do not match the donors in the second query. Doesn't work
I tried updating a field in the donor record with an update query based on the results of the donors after nov. 1 2003 query results, but I get an error that says I can't use an update query on a record on the 1 side of a 1 to many relationship
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts