Selecting records on sub form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Abay
  • Start date Start date


I have a multiform screen,(my first!) comprised of two tables with a
master (client) /detail relationship, connected by a field called LastName
... its a one to many relationship .. so when I key in a clients name on the
top half of the form all the relevant transactions from the detail table
show on the bottom.

I have created a command button on the detail subform and now I want to
extract all the detail lines from the subform, for a particular Client
(where the focus is) & feed tem into a query for subsequent processing when
I click on the command button.

Any help would be much appreciated.

You wouldn't actually take the records from the subform. Instead, what you
would do in the query is provide it the same parameters that are being used
by the subform so that you come up with the same results. Remember to
include the Parent/Child link field in these parameters because that is also
filtering the subform, not just the parameters in the subform's query.