Selecting multiple entries under a combo box

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Hello, I have a drop down combo box that only allows me to select one name
per record. Is it possible to select multiple names at once...I would like
to have multiple names in the report....

You can only select one item at a time from a combo box. You can select
multiple items from a list box if you set the MultiSelect property to Simple
or Extended. (It defaults to None).

Brendan Reynolds said:
You can only select one item at a time from a combo box. You can select
multiple items from a list box if you set the MultiSelect property to Simple
or Extended. (It defaults to None).
Okay, I changed it to a list box, however the first selections carry through
to all records (cannot have different selections with different records).
Also, now the report doen't pull in the results of the records with multiple
selections...any ideas.

Regards, Max
I went to the suggested URL but it is WAY over my head. Is there not more
simple instructions to achieve multiple selections from a list box & then
have all those selections appear in the report? I can't believe that it is
this complicated. Thank you.
Thank you for your response, however I guess this is not the forum for
help...very sincerely: why can't these instructions be in English. I am not
a programmer but a user so code is lost on me. Such as what does 'Not AFAIK
of' suppost to communicate? I guess I'll pass on trying to accomplish a the
multi-select feature in Access which in my book is rediculous considering
such a function is basic to the objective of a database.
AFAIK: As far as I know. This is newsgroup common abbreviation.

You are under misconception that Access is a user's software. Parts of
Access is a user's software but mostly and certainly for more advanced
features, they are designed for developers. Users can also use these
features but with a fair bit of learning, especially VBA code.

If you want to be able to use / to design in Access efficiently, you simply
have to learn like everyone else.

If you pass on, it's your loss ...

I'm not trying to be out of line in anyway but rather maybe say something
from an encouraging standpoint.

I totally disagree with you statement of this not being a forum to get
help. I'm not a programmer either. My family and I have a small medical
equipment business and was in need of a database. Too small to afford to
buy a custom designed database so I had to teach myself. In the process of
doing this, I have found forums and newsgroups to be the single best
learning experience, even above the books I have purchased.

The people who respond are VERY help and all are very patient. I have seen
the same names for years now, answers questions and staying with someone
until they get it. (Including Mr. Dinh who sincerely was helping you).
With that being said, they are not going to do for you. One of the biggest
reason being you won't learn it. They help, they point you in the right
direction and then from there you learn it. You get stuck, post a question
and they get you unstuck.

I have recently found this forum and recognize that some of the most well
known names in MS Access are answering questions here. (I'm not going to
mention who they are for fear of leaving someone out but the list is very
long and these folks have been answering questions on multiple forums for
many years. They know who they are and for folks who are in the same boat
as me, we know who they are also.) I posted because I don't know if you
meant your statement to come across strong but I took it as a strong
statement and while most of the MVP's may not defend themselves, I wanted
to step in and call a "foul" cause my experience has been nothing like your