Hi there (code below !)
I have 2 datatables in a Dataset
Table 1 contains unique reference numbers - the contents of this table are
dynamic and may change from minute to minute
Table 2 contains records that have a field (Category) which may or may not
correlate with a unique reference number in Table 1
I want to be able to loop through all the unique reference numbers in Table
1 and find all records from Table 2 that have a Category field that matches
the current records in Table 1
I thought the best way to do this would be to firstly create a new table
(Table 3) and then create a loop on Table 1 that would take the Unique
Reference number as a variable, then use a Select command on table 2 to find
all records that match this Unique Reference number to their Category field.
These records should then be put in to table 3. The next Unique reference
from Table 1 would then follow the same pattern and so on until all records
from Table 1 had been looped through - this should then leave me with Table 3
containing all records from Table 2 that match any one of the Unique
References from Table 1
I can't make this happen - the closest I've got is in the code below - all
that gets returned to Table 3 is a line for each record that matches, but it
does not contain valid data, it just shows as system.data.datarow when I bind
Table 3 to a Grid ???
As per the above
Table 1 = SubCatSearchDT
Table 2 = SubJobDT
Table 3 = FoundJobsDT
Dim foundJobsDT As DataTable = SubCatDS.Tables.Add("FoundJobsTable")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To SubCatSearchDT.Rows.Count - 1
Dim searchRef As Integer =
'find all rows that return a match against the
Category_Reference above
Dim foundrows As DataRow()
foundrows = SubJobDT.Select("Job_Category_Parent = " & searchRef
& "")
foundJobsDT.LoadDataRow(foundrows, False)
This is starting to hurt.... help! - there is probably a completely
different and simple way to do this... I have looked, but can't find...
I have 2 datatables in a Dataset
Table 1 contains unique reference numbers - the contents of this table are
dynamic and may change from minute to minute
Table 2 contains records that have a field (Category) which may or may not
correlate with a unique reference number in Table 1
I want to be able to loop through all the unique reference numbers in Table
1 and find all records from Table 2 that have a Category field that matches
the current records in Table 1
I thought the best way to do this would be to firstly create a new table
(Table 3) and then create a loop on Table 1 that would take the Unique
Reference number as a variable, then use a Select command on table 2 to find
all records that match this Unique Reference number to their Category field.
These records should then be put in to table 3. The next Unique reference
from Table 1 would then follow the same pattern and so on until all records
from Table 1 had been looped through - this should then leave me with Table 3
containing all records from Table 2 that match any one of the Unique
References from Table 1
I can't make this happen - the closest I've got is in the code below - all
that gets returned to Table 3 is a line for each record that matches, but it
does not contain valid data, it just shows as system.data.datarow when I bind
Table 3 to a Grid ???
As per the above
Table 1 = SubCatSearchDT
Table 2 = SubJobDT
Table 3 = FoundJobsDT
Dim foundJobsDT As DataTable = SubCatDS.Tables.Add("FoundJobsTable")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To SubCatSearchDT.Rows.Count - 1
Dim searchRef As Integer =
'find all rows that return a match against the
Category_Reference above
Dim foundrows As DataRow()
foundrows = SubJobDT.Select("Job_Category_Parent = " & searchRef
& "")
foundJobsDT.LoadDataRow(foundrows, False)
This is starting to hurt.... help! - there is probably a completely
different and simple way to do this... I have looked, but can't find...