Mark Kubicki
I want to modify the below code to select all records where
[forms]![frmSpec].[Source] is contained anywhere in the [OptLamp.Source]
so let's say
[forms]![frmSpec].[[Source] = "fluorescent"
and in table OptLamp there are records with "fluorescent", "compact
fluorescent", "self-ballasted fluorescent'"... in the [OptLamp.source]
all of those records should be returned
[forms]![frmSpec].[[Source] = "compact fluorescent"
then only the record in OptLamp with "compact fluorescent"... in
[OptLamp.source] would be returned
currently only exact matches are returned... (which is what I initially
thought I wanted...)
I suspect this is a very simple issue to deal with, but when you're a
self-taught newbie...
Many thanks in advance,
SELECT OptLamp.Options
FROM OptLamp
WHERE (((OptLamp.manufacturer)=[forms]![frmSpec].[cboLamp1Manufacturer])
AND ((OptLamp.source)=[forms]![frmSpec].[Source]))
ORDER BY OptLamp.Options;
[forms]![frmSpec].[Source] is contained anywhere in the [OptLamp.Source]
so let's say
[forms]![frmSpec].[[Source] = "fluorescent"
and in table OptLamp there are records with "fluorescent", "compact
fluorescent", "self-ballasted fluorescent'"... in the [OptLamp.source]
all of those records should be returned
[forms]![frmSpec].[[Source] = "compact fluorescent"
then only the record in OptLamp with "compact fluorescent"... in
[OptLamp.source] would be returned
currently only exact matches are returned... (which is what I initially
thought I wanted...)
I suspect this is a very simple issue to deal with, but when you're a
self-taught newbie...
Many thanks in advance,
SELECT OptLamp.Options
FROM OptLamp
WHERE (((OptLamp.manufacturer)=[forms]![frmSpec].[cboLamp1Manufacturer])
AND ((OptLamp.source)=[forms]![frmSpec].[Source]))
ORDER BY OptLamp.Options;