Select TOP 2 of each provinces




I have a table as below:

Province NGO Name Score
Province 1 XXX 34
Province 1 DDD 39
Province 4 sSSD 59
Province 5 SDD 5
Province 5 XXX 13
Province 4 HTD 25
Province 5 SDD 45
Province 5 XXX 18
Province 4 HTD 51

How do I select Top 2 Score for each province


Michel Walsh


Either rank, either top. With a top:

FROM myTable As a
WHERE a.Score IN( SELECT TOP 2 b.score
FROM myTable As b
WHERE b.province = a.province
ORDER BY b.score DESC)
ORDER BY a.province, a.score DESC

The last order by is just for presentation and is not required by the logic.
The logic is, given a record, in a, keep all the record, from the same
table, that belongs to the same province, and order them by their score.
Keep the top 2 best score. Back to our initial record, if its score is one
of the scores just returned, keep it.

With a rank, we rank the records (first, second, third, ... ) accordingly to
their score, by (group) province:

SELECT a.province, a.score, LAST(NGOname), COUNT(*) as Rank
FROM myTable As a INNER JOIN myTable As b
ON a.province=b.province
AND a.score <= b.score
GROUP BY a.province, a.score

Both solutions are "inefficient", the first one compute the sub-select
query, the same, many times, uselessly, in theory, it could run it just once
per province; while the second one ranks all the records which is useless to
us to know who is 100th or 1000th, but it does it none the less. I think a
much more efficient formulation is possible with MS SQL Server 2005 using a
Table Expression to recursively union all the result of the SELECT TOP 2,
but being run just ONCE, by province.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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