Application: When a user selects a name in the listbox complete
information(phone-no,E-mail,etc..) regarding the person should be
Problem: I have populated the list-box with names using datareader.The
database comprise of id with respect to each name.Now since the id's
are unique thats why while populating the listbox i am storing the id's
in an array.
dim arr(10) as integer
ex. arr(i) = rdr("id").
Now when the user selects a name the query i am writing is
str = "select * from contacts where id = '" &
rdr( "arr(lstbox1.selectedindex )") & "'"
Now i am getting error in the where clause.
Please Help..
information(phone-no,E-mail,etc..) regarding the person should be
Problem: I have populated the list-box with names using datareader.The
database comprise of id with respect to each name.Now since the id's
are unique thats why while populating the listbox i am storing the id's
in an array.
dim arr(10) as integer
ex. arr(i) = rdr("id").
Now when the user selects a name the query i am writing is
str = "select * from contacts where id = '" &
rdr( "arr(lstbox1.selectedindex )") & "'"
Now i am getting error in the where clause.
Please Help..