I have the following code on my pageLoad event:
taComp = new dsCompTableAdapters.CompTableAdapter();
dtComp = new dsComp.CompDataTable();
WbGrid.DataSource = dtComp;
if (!this.IsPostBack)
OK the above works fine, but , i have a search textBox which i want someone
to search for a specific record in my comp table,.... how can i allow someone
to search for that record ?
they type some text in my search textBox, they click a button, and i want to
run an sql statement somehow against my datatable/tableAdapter/dataset to
retrieve all matching records...
can anyone help me?
taComp = new dsCompTableAdapters.CompTableAdapter();
dtComp = new dsComp.CompDataTable();
WbGrid.DataSource = dtComp;
if (!this.IsPostBack)
OK the above works fine, but , i have a search textBox which i want someone
to search for a specific record in my comp table,.... how can i allow someone
to search for that record ?
they type some text in my search textBox, they click a button, and i want to
run an sql statement somehow against my datatable/tableAdapter/dataset to
retrieve all matching records...
can anyone help me?