Thanks for staying with me on this. Where do I put this function stuff?
Do I make a module?
And is the OnOpen property On Open: =SetRptSort([Name]) what calls and
executes this function in a module?
Here is somewhat generic code. Better code would probably accept the
form and control name as an argument.
Function SetRptSort(strRptName As String)
Dim rpt As Report
Set rpt = Reports(strRptName)
With rpt
Select Case [Forms]![reportselector]![SortOrder]
Case 1 ' LastName
.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource = "LastName"
.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource = "Title"
.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource = "HireDate"
Case 2 'Title
.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource = "Title"
.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource = "HireDate"
.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource = "LastName"
Case 3 'HireDate
.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource = "HireDate"
.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource = "LastName"
.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource = "Title"
End Select
End With
End Function
You can set the On Open property to:
On Open: =SetRptSort([Name])
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I am so new at writing code. Historically I have accomplished
everything through macros and the other direct menu choices. Can you
help me with this, or are you sick of me already?
I expect you could create a generic function that would pass either
the report object or the report name as an argument.
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I couldn't wait to try it, then I got the flu! I finally tried it,
and it works like a charm!!!
Thank you, Duane!
Since I want this same code in 10 reports, how can I put the code in
one place rather than pasting it into the Open Event of 10 reports?
Select Case [forms]![reportselector]![sortorder]
Case 1' ID
Me.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource ="FileName"
Me.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource ="FileNumber"
Me.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource ="DateOpened"
Case 2 'Fst Name
Me.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource ="FileNumber"
Me.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource ="DateOpened"
Me.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource ="FileName"
Case 3 'LstName
Me.GroupLevel(0).ControlSource ="DateOpened"
Me.GroupLevel(1).ControlSource ="FileName"
Me.GroupLevel(2).ControlSource ="FileNumber"
End Select
Make sure you have predefined 3 grouping levels in your report.
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Hi Duane,
1 = sort by FileName
2 = sort by FileNumber
3 = sort by DateOpened
Thanks again,
What are the values in your combo box and what field do these
values correspond with?
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I'm sorry but that doesn't help me. Perhaps it is too advanced
for me. :-(
Can you, or anyone else, be more specific?
Thank you
You might want to check the tip on Allen Browne's site
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
In an MDE database where users don't have rights to edit the
report design, I would like the user to be able to select the
sort order of a report in a combo box on a form.
How would I tell the report that the sort order is, for
example, equal to [forms]![reportselector]![sortorder] ?
Thanks in advance,