Select slides from master presentation to create customised versio

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I produce slides which are used by a number of people when delivering
training courses. The trainers all use a slightly different combination, or
order of slides.

I would rather not keep separate presentations for each trainer especially
as it could mean updating the same slide a number of times (in each

What I wonder therefore is whether there is a way of having a 'resevoir' of
slides (or master copy of slides) from which I select certain ones to create
individual presentations. Ideally I would want to update the master copy and
know that wherever that slide is included in a presentation the corresponding
copy is also updated.

Hello JMGreen,

Use the Custom Shows feature for this.

From the main presentation go to Slide Show > Custom Shows. When the dialog
box opens, click new, name the show (perhaps by trainer name or subject
matter), then move the appropriate slides from the left column to the right
column. Click OK. Repeat for each trainer, then click on close.

To play a particular Custom Show, go to Slide Show > Set up Show. Under Show
Slides, select the desired show. Now only the slides that you selected for
that Custom Show will play.

Sandy Johnson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist (MOS PowerPoint)

Join us at the PowerPoint Live User Conference.
October 28-31, 2007 • New Orleans
Have a look at SlideWhere

I'm afraid I'm starting to sound like a shill for this program but honestly,
I've just tried it a time or two and found that it does a nice job for a very
reasonable price (thirty bucks or so).
Thanks for this
Yes, its just what I need to be able to see who uses what.
Once I have selected a show is it possible to save that show (or the slides
in it) as a new presentation so i can email each trainer just the show they