Eva Shanley
Column B can have different line numbers keyed in such as
1, 2, 3. I need to import the rows of data to our Lawson
system by first creating a .txt file from Excel. However,
I need to hit 2 separate Lawson tables, the first table
needs all the Line #1 records, and the second needs all
the Line # greater than 1. How can I select a range
dependent on the line number? I looked at many of the
posts and VBA code but can't decide what I need to do.
Any help as always is much appreciated, and I really do
learn...just not as quickly as I'd like! TIA
1, 2, 3. I need to import the rows of data to our Lawson
system by first creating a .txt file from Excel. However,
I need to hit 2 separate Lawson tables, the first table
needs all the Line #1 records, and the second needs all
the Line # greater than 1. How can I select a range
dependent on the line number? I looked at many of the
posts and VBA code but can't decide what I need to do.
Any help as always is much appreciated, and I really do
learn...just not as quickly as I'd like! TIA