Any guidance or help is very much appreciated.
I have 1 table with the following fields:
NetSales, Vendor, Customer Name, Period, etc;
I originally tried to do this in a crosstab query so I can have
"Customer Name" as the Row Heading, "Vendor" as the Group Heading and
"NetSales" as the value. Everything works fine however I have over 60
different vendors in this table and I only want to see sales of 9 so I
entered the names of the vendor in the "Criteria" section which
resulted in 90% of what I needed. But to make it even more complicated
I need to group 4 of those 9 vendors together under one column
heading. So when it's all done i should have 4 vendors in the column
headings but the fourth one should be made up of the sum of 4 other
vendors and
Vend1 Vend2 Vend3 Vend4 ConsolidatedVendor(Vend5 & Vend6
& Vend7 & Vend8)
I've read many tutorials and posts on this and have realized that I
need to do individual Crosstab queries for each column heading and
then do a final select query to bring all of those other queries
together. However, when I try to do the CrossTab query to combine the
4 vendors into 1 it still list each vendor individually as a column
heading. So then I tried doing a Select Query instead to combine the 4
vendor's sales into 1 but now I'm getting multiple records per
customer. I think it has to do with grouping but I've been working on
this for so long that now I think I'm just going around in circles.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly
appreciate it. A sample of the SQL code is below.
SELECT [2009Sales].[Customer Name], Sum([2009Sales].NetSales) AS
FROM 2009Sales
WHERE ((([2009Sales].Period)=10))
GROUP BY [2009Sales].[Customer Name], [2009Sales].[Outside Rep],
[2009Sales].Period, [2009Sales].Vendor
HAVING ((([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND5" Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND6"
Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND7" Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND8"));
I have 1 table with the following fields:
NetSales, Vendor, Customer Name, Period, etc;
I originally tried to do this in a crosstab query so I can have
"Customer Name" as the Row Heading, "Vendor" as the Group Heading and
"NetSales" as the value. Everything works fine however I have over 60
different vendors in this table and I only want to see sales of 9 so I
entered the names of the vendor in the "Criteria" section which
resulted in 90% of what I needed. But to make it even more complicated
I need to group 4 of those 9 vendors together under one column
heading. So when it's all done i should have 4 vendors in the column
headings but the fourth one should be made up of the sum of 4 other
vendors and
Vend1 Vend2 Vend3 Vend4 ConsolidatedVendor(Vend5 & Vend6
& Vend7 & Vend8)
I've read many tutorials and posts on this and have realized that I
need to do individual Crosstab queries for each column heading and
then do a final select query to bring all of those other queries
together. However, when I try to do the CrossTab query to combine the
4 vendors into 1 it still list each vendor individually as a column
heading. So then I tried doing a Select Query instead to combine the 4
vendor's sales into 1 but now I'm getting multiple records per
customer. I think it has to do with grouping but I've been working on
this for so long that now I think I'm just going around in circles.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly
appreciate it. A sample of the SQL code is below.
SELECT [2009Sales].[Customer Name], Sum([2009Sales].NetSales) AS
FROM 2009Sales
WHERE ((([2009Sales].Period)=10))
GROUP BY [2009Sales].[Customer Name], [2009Sales].[Outside Rep],
[2009Sales].Period, [2009Sales].Vendor
HAVING ((([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND5" Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND6"
Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND7" Or ([2009Sales].Vendor)="VEND8"));