I'm excel beginner,and I'm facing a problem I cannot solve.
I want to enter some values(IDs,numbers) in rows of one sheet,and
(immediately or on button click) the corresponding row(by ID) in the
other sheet to be modified.How can i do that?
I attached a very small .xls example of what I'm trying to do:
- I have two worksheets,one is a simple product list,other a simple
order list
- Problem: in the order sheet i select *product ID* (from a list),and
number of products i order; in products sheet total number of that
product should be reduced for the number of products that are ordered.
(for example,if i had 100 shirts in products sheet,when 10 shirts are
ordered in order sheet,90 should be left in products sheet).
One more thing,in the order sheet i can order hats first,then
shirts,then sneakers,so random order-i dont know what is ordered in
which row.
I guess I need some macro to do that...
Thanx in advance
|Filename: Simple2sheets.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4432 |
I'm excel beginner,and I'm facing a problem I cannot solve.
I want to enter some values(IDs,numbers) in rows of one sheet,and
(immediately or on button click) the corresponding row(by ID) in the
other sheet to be modified.How can i do that?
I attached a very small .xls example of what I'm trying to do:
- I have two worksheets,one is a simple product list,other a simple
order list
- Problem: in the order sheet i select *product ID* (from a list),and
number of products i order; in products sheet total number of that
product should be reduced for the number of products that are ordered.
(for example,if i had 100 shirts in products sheet,when 10 shirts are
ordered in order sheet,90 should be left in products sheet).
One more thing,in the order sheet i can order hats first,then
shirts,then sneakers,so random order-i dont know what is ordered in
which row.
I guess I need some macro to do that...

Thanx in advance
|Filename: Simple2sheets.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4432 |