Does Access 97 have a command to create a query that will
select only non null fileds from one record?
select only non null fileds from one record?
Does Access 97 have a command to create a query that will
select only non null fileds from one record?
Hi John
Basically i have a query which will only ever select one
row. Within this row some fields will have been left blank
(i.e. null). I want to be able to put this query into a
report and ignore all those fields that are null.
For example the table may have Four columns Key-Number
Name, Address and Tel if a user only inputs the name and
adress the query currently selects the one row by the Key
but i want it to ignore the Tel field as it is Null
Thanks, I have tried the Can Shrink option and this works
for the text box but if the text box contains a null value
then I also want the associated label box not to print.
-----Original Message-----
Thanks, I have tried the Can Shrink option and this works
for the text box but if the text box contains a null value
then I also want the associated label box not to print.
A couple of ideas come to mind...
1. Use a calculated field in the Query, or in the control source of
the textbox, concatenating your desired label with the field contents,
using the + operator to concatenate NULLS: e.g.
= "Optional Label" + [fieldname]
as the control source;
2. Toggle the Visible property of the label control in the Format
event of the report section.
still no luck unfortunatley however i have been trying the
following code:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount
As Integer)
On Error GoTo err_Detail_Format
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then
If ctl.Text = "" Or IsNull(ctl.Text) Then
With ctl
.Visible = False
End With
With ctl
.Visible = True
End With
End If
End If
Next ctl
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_Detail_Format
End Sub
which does work to some effect but some times a get an
error sode which comes up saying that access can not
retieve the value of the property however i do not know
what property it is trying to find, any suggestions?
-----Original Message-----
Thanks, I have tried the Can Shrink option and this works
for the text box but if the text box contains a null value
then I also want the associated label box not to print.
A couple of ideas come to mind...
1. Use a calculated field in the Query, or in the control source of
the textbox, concatenating your desired label with the field contents,
using the + operator to concatenate NULLS: e.g.
= "Optional Label" + [fieldname]
as the control source;
2. Toggle the Visible property of the label control in the Format
event of the report section.