select navigation pane content

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I try to program with VS2005 and VSTO an AddIn to pop up contact type public
folder when call arrives.
I would like to get by program the same Outlook 2003 display that I get
manualy which is this:
I added the PF as favorites, so I can see them in "other contacts" section
when I click contact button in the navigation pane. With this way, I can see
cards of contacts, selected contact in preview pane, and I can also have the
different views I can select in the navigation pane.
Does anybody know how I can program this when I open the Public folder in my
Addin ? because by default, I get the all folders list in the navigation pane.

Thank you.
Add the folder to the Public Folders\Favorites hierarchy using the AddToPFFavorites method.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Sorry Sue, I didn't correctly explain the part I was missing.
Putting the folders in favorite is ok, the thing I would like
programmatically is to open a new explorer with the contact view (this is
also ok programmatically) but after that (and it is what I missunderstand) I
want to select and display programmatically one of the folder listed in the
"other contacts" part of the navigation pane of contact type (folder
previously added to favorite)

Thank you.
I think the method you're looking for is Explorer.SelectFolder.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
I used this method, but it changes the navigation pane content from contact
type to all folders list: I try to keep the contact content in the navigation
pane because the public folder I display is contact type, and with contact
pane I can still easily see the other contact folders, and change view under.
If it is not possible directly, I would like to know if this one is possible:
After opening the contact, personal contact is selected and displayed in the
In the navigation pane, I see contact public folders, added as favorite: how
can I select one of these, just like manually clicking on it ?
Is there a way to get event happening when manually clicking on it ?

thank you.

"Nkv" a écrit :
Assign a different folder to the ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder object property.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Thank you Sue Mosher for your help, I'm gonna try this.

"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" a écrit :
Sorry I didn't succeed in geting the navigation pane filled with the contact
pane content, like manually when clicking on the contact pane on the left. Do
you know how to get this done ?

Thank you.
Ok, thank you for this answer, I will make my customer accept it.
Sorry by the time I also post it to MSDN forum.