-----Original Message-----
I think that one possible query would be the following.
SELECT Books.BookID, Books.Title,
BookCheck.Checkout, BookCheck.[Name]
On Books.BookId = BookCheck.BookID
WHERE BookCheck.Checkout =
(SELECT Max(Tmp.CheckOut)
FROM BookCheck as Tmp
WHERE Tmp.BookId = Books.BookID)
Another way to do this.
SELECT BooksCheck.BookID, MAX(BookCheck) as LatestDate
FROM BookCheck
Save that as qMaxCheckout
Now use that query in another query. The SQL would look something like:
SELECT Books.BookID, Books.Title,
BookCheck.Checkout, BookCheck.[Name]
FROM (Books INNER JOIN BookCheck
On Books.BookId = BookCheck.BookID)
INNER JOIN qMaxCheckout as Q
Here is a sample for a database a library might use
(sample database sent to John).
bookID (primary key)
Table.bookcheck (subtable to books)
checkID (primary key)
bookID (relation to book table)
checkout (date field)
name (person who checked out the book)
I would like a query to return the last time a book was
checked out along with who checked it out. In other
words, a filter on bookcheck that returns only one record
based upon the latest date per bookID.
-----Original Message-----
Yes, there is, but it would help to know your data
structure. You can use a
subquery or a separate query. The Query with a Sub- query
would look somethng
like the following.
FROM MainTable as M INNER JOIN SubTable As S
ON M.PartPK = S.PartPK
WHERE S.Update =
(SELECT Max(Update)
FROM SubTable as Tmp
WHERE S.PartPk = Tmp.PartPK)
OR build a query that returns the Max(date) and Part#
based on the subtable.
Then use that saved query and join it to a the subtable
on the MaxDate and the
the PartNumber. Add your maintable in and join it to the
SubTable and you
should be in business. This query WILL NOT be updatable.
David Poweleit wrote:
Is there a way to setup a query on a subtable to return
only one record per each primary key in the main table.
Example: main table is for parts, sub table keeps track
updates on parts... would like a query to pull by the
latest date the update for each part. I have tried many
things including a query on the subtable for updates
Max, DMax, and DLookup to try to limit the date field.
Using Top Values does not work since it applies to the
whole query versus per part. Thanks!